About our solution
What is your company leitmotiv?
With our Sustainability Management Platform (SMP) we offer a solution for one of the biggest problems of our time: climate change. Similar to a financial controlling tool, the SMP enables our customers to make the key indicators of their supply chain and corporate sustainability transparent, to analyze them and to create actions towards more sustainability.
What is the ultimate goal?
To make sustainability visible in a B2B context with the use of cloud technology and to enable the circular economy.
What is the application domain?
Our modular IT platform operates at the crossroads of digitization and sustainability.
How your solution is used?
The Sustainability Management Platform (SMP) is a cloud-based sustainability management tool on top of which we put modules for the calculation of emissions in different areas of a supply chain. It functions similar to a financial controlling software. A transport company for example can enter data of their transports like truck model, fuel type, consumption, distance driven, cargo weight and many other indicators into the module for shippers and calculate the CO2 emissions down to shipment level. The results can be displayed in easy to use dashboards and diagrams and also be exported to stakeholders. An Application Protocol Interface (API) connection ensures the seamless and anonymized data transfer between, e.g. a transport management systems to our SMP.
Furthermore we offer a routing optimization function for carriers with which the client can check different transportation modes to get a cargo from A to B (truck vs. ship, vs. plane vs. train) and can then decide to ship the goods on the fastest, the cheapest or the most environmentally friendly route with the least CO2-emissions. Our tool delivers the transparency for this decision-making.
Another module calculates the company carbon footprint according to Scopes 1-3 of the GHG Protocol. The results can be used for CSR reporting and the overall improvement of the carbon footprint of a company.
Further modules to calculate social and environmental impacts are planned to be rolled out over the course of the coming months and years.
Is your solution used in Luxembourg?
Yes, it is already in use by several companies from the transport and logistics sector in Luxembourg.
Is your solution used internationally?
Yes, it is already used by German logistics companies. A further rollout into Austria, France, Holland, Belgium and Scandinavia is planned for the coming years.
The interest of SIF label
What is the interest of SIF label for an innovator?
We were interested in getting proof of the effectiveness or our solution, audited by an independent group of experts. Also, the SIF label has high recognition among the sustainability community and in the B2B business as it focusses on innovative solutions that bring added value for the environment and the economy.
What are the benefits of the label for your company?
One of the benefits is to use the label in our communication. Being able to use the SIF label highlights the effectiveness and usability of our solution and is proof for the added value we can bring to companies or organizations that want to get transparency on their sustainability indicators and for example aim to reduce their CO2-emissions. The SIF platform also helps us to get in touch with other companies from the SIF cosmos and accelerates investor relations.
Is it easy to get the label?
From our experience it is not that easy to get the label. It is a long and thorough auditing process that usually takes several iterations. The jury members are very meticulous and detail-oriented, which is good because it produces high quality results. But it needs effort and time and serious commitment from the applicant side.